I know shock horror two posts in one week! To be honest it is done in an attempt to make up for lost time but also because I am almost positive I will not be posting next week due to loads of rehearsals and then three performances, probably won’t have time to breathe let alone post!
With Valentine’s Day coming up and yet again another year for me of no Valentines I thought it best to watch the
film, with the same name, a little before the day itself so not to add to my depression!! Although, I am not a fan of Valentine’s Day itself in general, I think it is just a total money making scheme. Call me cynical and maybe I am, but the ridiculous amount of marketing that surrounds the event renders anything remotely romantic about it pointless.

Despite the fact that it was possibly an attempt to copy the genius of Richard Curtis and create an American Love Actually, it was surprisingly enjoyable. Also perhaps of the links between the character’s lives were quite tedious, it is fair to say that the acting wasn’t fantastic in many places and it sometimes felt a bit like they were just trying to cram as many famous faces into one scene as possible.
It is just a nice fluffy rom-com and probably one of the best I’ve seen in a while, partly because it knew what it was and didn’t try to be anything cleverer or more artistic than just a simple romantic comedy.

Today I also decided that I am going to start taking more photos. This is partly to do with the rediscovery of my old Polaroid camera and the finding of cheap film on eBay but also I really want to buy the beautiful mint green
Lomography Diana F + Dreamer Camera of the Urban Outfitters website which I have admired for ages and as soon as I have a spare £50 (I'll probably have to wait a while!) I am going to buy it! However, I also want the Lomography
Fisheye Competition Camera which is decorated to look like a watermelon! Inspired by my new desire to take photos, in this post are some which I took today, (they aren't really related to anything but never mind!) after this new surge of artistic thinking!!
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