Saturday, 26 February 2011

Berlin and Breakfast at Tiffany's

Well I have fallen in love with yet another European city and this time it’s Berlin. I just got back yesterday after a wonderful three days of enjoying German history and German beer! Obviously I went to all the typical tourist sights and also took some quite good photos. Also, got to the amazing Olympic Stadium, it was so vast and massive but a very nice stadium nonetheless and despite the freezing weather conditions it was well worth it. I managed to stay up until 4.30 every night so that was quite an achievement and had lots of fun drinking with the people from the German and Spanish schools in the hotel bar. Who new Vodka and lemonade was so cheap in Germany or that it improves your language speaking so much??!!

It was generally just a very enjoyable trip and although I spent the majority of my money on alcohol I successfully managed to do very little shopping in an attempt to save money after my recent Blackberry purchase. The only material ting that i bought was a poster found in a brilliant record shop. It’s a poster of the original Breakfast at Tiffany’s poster and I am so glad I bought after nearly holding off as it looks amazing in my room!

Buying it also made me really want to re-watch the film as I haven’t seen it for ages so that was the first thing I did when I got home after catching up on some sleep! I forgot just how good it is. To be honest I love every film with Audrey Hepburn in but I think this has got to be my favourite. It’s a classic. I absolutely adore all the sets and costumes and they’ve inspired me to make sure I visit as many vintage shops I can fit in when I go to London in a few weeks. I think some Holly Golighty style pearls wouldn’t go a miss but I also want to try and find some objects for my room because it is looking quite bare. I’m not really very good on vintage in London though really so I’ll just have to explore!

I am also definitely going second hand book shopping and if I can find it I might buy the novella of Breakfast at Tiffany’s because I am quite intrigued to see how close to the film it is. I think it will be interesting to see whether the novella itself is a classic or whether the transferal to screen is what makes it so brilliant!

Sunday, 20 February 2011

We Will Rock You

Well, I am in a very odd mood today, as what has been a very large part of my life for the last few months is now over and I have been somewhat of an emotional wreck this morning with tears triggered by nearly every Facebook post I read. Pathetic! Last night was the last performance of We Will Rock You and the last that I, as a year 13, will be in ever. Yesterday’s performance was the best it has ever been and the energy was incredible. I would like to thank everyone involved and say how much of a pleasure it was to work with all of you and I am going to miss you all so much!

Tuesday, 15 February 2011


Overall, I thought that this year’s BAFTA’s were very enjoyable, perhaps the best they’ve been in a long while. However, I did get very annoyed by Jonathon Ross’s very unfunny jokes and was quite bewildered by the choice of opening with some rather random dancers!

The winner’s themselves though I mostly agreed with – that sounds like quite an arrogant thing to say I suppose but I can’t help but get very angry when the people I want to win don’t! So here is a kind of run-down of the winners for anyone who has been living in cave, with my opinions for the few of you who care!

Friday, 11 February 2011

Valentine's Day

I know shock horror two posts in one week! To be honest it is done in an attempt to make up for lost time but also because I am almost positive I will not be posting next week due to loads of rehearsals and then three performances, probably won’t have time to breathe let alone post!

With Valentine’s Day coming up and yet again another year for me of no Valentines I thought it best to watch the film, with the same name, a little before the day itself so not to add to my depression!! Although, I am not a fan of Valentine’s Day itself in general, I think it is just a total money making scheme. Call me cynical and maybe I am, but the ridiculous amount of marketing that surrounds the event renders anything remotely romantic about it pointless.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Singing, Spaced and Skins

I have already broken my resolution of once a week blogging partly because of a disaster cinema trip a couple of weeks ago, but also partly because of a massive amount of drinking last Friday and Saturday night. However, I did have an amazing weekend! My time has unfortunately been taken up with a huge amount of work too and the ridiculous pressure of We Will Rock You which the first performance of is next week. I am absolutely terrified and have a horrible feeling that the role of the Killer Queen will not be played worse after my performance!
As I, unlike usual, have very little to say about films this week, I will try to fill this post with whatever pops into my head,
  so I apologise in advance for any rambling or jumpiness! I bought Adele’s new album 21 which is absolutely beautiful. Not only is the first single Rolling In The Deep amazing there are loads of other songs which are incredible. I love Rumour Has It and One and Only but my favourite song has to be the beautiful Someone Like You. I must have listened to it about 30 times at least and I only bought it on Saturday! It makes me almost cry every time I hear it and I am now singing it at our sixth form show, hopefully I might be able to do it some small amount of justice. I also listened to her set at Radio One’s Live Lounge and her cover of Promise This was the first time I’ve heard a Cheryl Cole song and not been irritated!