Well it has been a long time since I've written anything as I've sort of fallen out of habit for various reasons. Firstly, there was the French exchange which seemed to last well over a week and took up nearly all of my time! Then I've been overloaded with work the last couple of weeks at college and I had a French exam too yesterday. But also all of my friends 18ths have seemed to come round really quickly and so I've been out pretty much every weekend too!! I also haven't had an awful lot to talk about either in terms of film then three films have all come at once but I want to focus solely on the best one which is possibly one of the best films I've seen for ages!!

Despite the French exchange being a bit of a waste of a week we went to watch
Never Let Me Go the film based on the novel by Kazou Ishiguro. It tells the story of three children Tommy, Kathy and Ruth, who grow up in a boarding school for children who are created to become organ donors. It follows the journey of the three and how their relationships change and how their love for each other alters over time as they deal with this process and come to terms with their inevitable fate.
Andrew Garfield and Carey Mulligan were amazing and I thought they played their parts really well. There was also a very good albeit small performance from Domhnall Gleeson and a variety of others including Sally Hawkins. Unfortunately I found Keira Knightley to be her usual slightly irritating self but luckily it wasn't so unbearable that it distracted me from the film itself. The look of the film was also really good. I loved all the sets especially Hailsham and the cottages and the costumes were very well chosen and I thought showed the different eras and progression of time very effectively too.
Generally it was just a really sweet, nice film but it did unfortunately and rather embarrassingly make me cry a lot (much to the amusement of our French exchange partners who were not as involved in the film as we were!). I would definitely recommend it and it is worth watching!
One of the other films I watched recently, one which was equally cute, was
L’arnacoeur/Heartbreaker with Romain Duris and Vanessa Paradis. It was quite a soppy, girly film but it was good and quite funny in places. I especially enjoyed the scene where Romain Duris did Johnny’s dance from Dirty Dancing! The ending was also obvious as it was a typical two who shouldn’t get together do kind of story but I enjoyed it and was very surprised that I understood nearly all of the French without subtitles!
I am from now on going to attempt to post more frequently even though I am pretty sure it won’t last long. I’ll have to keep on top of my film watching too so that I have something to talk about too!
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