These minor issues aside, as well as the ever increasing credit card debt, so far it has been amazing and I know its clichéd and everybody says it but Freshers was one of the best weeks of my life! Obviously I went out every single night and the earliest I got in was about 3am! It was an awesome week with geek nights and beach trips and to be honest it hasn't really stopped yet as we still seem to be going out an awful lot! I started lectures and classes this week and despite having a lovely Monday off I am finding it hard. There is a lot to do what with signing up to societies, preparing for lectures, homework, food shopping, washing and going out; its never ending but so worth it!
The move has, however one downside. Due to a very hectic schedule and the fact I can't afford a TV licence my material for my blog is severely lacking! I've dramatically fallen behind in all TV and haven't watched a new film for ages and I feel this is a trend that will inevitably continue. Having said that the ingenious invention of of iPlayer, ITV player, 4OD and Sky Player are doing much to remedy this and I can watch some things online.