I definitely felt the horror genre yesterday as my day started with Sweeny Todd and ended with Scre4m. The demon barber musical directed by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp was very good and fulfilled all of its gory expectations but it is the fourth in Wes Craven's legendary psycho slasher movies that I want to talk about.
To be perfectly honest I wasn't expecting much. Most of the reviews I had read weren't great and I had already been quite disappointed by the second and third in the series. However, I was actually very good and I don't regret seeing it at all.
The film started very cleverly with a stabbing which turned out to be a film followed by another which also turned out to be a film. After this film inside a film opener it also set out a kind of feeling that it wasn't going to take itself to seriously but was at the same time going to stay true to the genre and the Scream brand. Almost a celebration of the corniness but also brilliance of these slasher movies! I was also quite pleased with the ending and despite guessing all the way through different murderers I was nowhere close to predicting the actual conclusion and it was a good one too!
The performances in the film were also good especially from the likes of Emma Roberts and Hayden Panettierre. I also liked the fact there were the original members of the cast and the return of Sydney Prescott played by Neve Campbell, Gale played by Courtney Cox and Dewey played by David Arquette, although they had all clearly aged and Courtney Cox has certainly been hitting the botox, it was a nice reference back to the original story which worked well with the new decade new rules horror remake idea!
It was a really good film and although not totally scary and funny in places because if its stupidity, it did make me jump in places. Also there was enough gore and iconic Ghostface phone calls and attacks to make the film very enjoyable and actually pretty good! My friends and I have also decided to do a Scre4m style Stabathon with all the Scream films followed by all the Scary Movies! So I leave you with the slogan of the film, "What's your favourite scary movie?!"